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Hi this is Sana, and I’m Anna.
SANA: We are the ladies of SCC
ANNA: and these are our new country song picks.
SANA: On this podcast, we focus on the intersection of hip hop and country music.
ANNA: But first a little country music news
SANA: Jimmy Butler, who currently plays as a shooting guard/small forward for the Miami Heat says he’s going to write around 200 tracks for his debut country album.
ANNA: He has about 60 right now. His strategy is basically carefully selecting the best songs for the album.
SANA: It would be great to see some of the country artists do a collab w/ him.
ANNA: He might make history being the first pro basketball player to release a country album.
I can’t think of anyone who has. Let me know if that is not the case. We can’t wait to hear it!
ANNA: It's Super Bowl season,
SANA: My goodness. I’m on pins and needles to see who is going to win in the playoffs. The game between the Lions, and The Rams was such a nail biter.. I mean, I was at the edge of my seat. And then I saw that the entire stadium was singing Eminem’s Lose Yourself. That song is one of my faves, and has to be one of the greatest songs of all-time.
ANNA: For sure. Speaking of the Super Bowl, Reba and Post Malone will be singing in the Super Bowl Pre Game.
SANA: Yes, it’s on Feb. 11 at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas. If you cannot attend you can watch on CBS.
ANNA: Reba is going to sing the National Anthem and Posty will sing America The Beautiful. What an honor to sing at the Super Bowl..
And Morgan Wallen is in Drake’s new video You Broke My Heart,
SANA: But they both get blown up! Lol..
ANNA: He doesn’t sing on the song.
SANA: No, he’s just in the video.
SANA: And lastly, The Grammys are on Feb 4th on Sunday. You can watch on CBS and SANA: Paramount+ beginning at 8 p.m. Eastern.
Jelly Roll and The War & Treaty are nominated for new artist of the year. It should be an exciting show.
SANA: Yes, I’ll be live tweeting during the event.
SANA: Well alright, let’s get things rolling with
Tom Petty, by Atlus @Atlus_Music
ANNA: He’s not playing on this song.lol.
SANA: No, I like the play on words here.
SANA: I don’t know, but I feel like this song should have a rap or spoken word added to it.
ANNA: The beat is perfect for it.
Let’s hear Tom Petty!
SANA: What You Waitin’ On, by Hueston,@iamhueston
ANNA: He’s had songs featured in movies like Aquaman, and did a show w/ Jelly Roll, and The Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
SANA: I was listening to Give It Away just yesterday. Let’s hear What You Waitin’ On.
SANA: Feels Like Home, by
El Ray & Spencer Kane @IAmSpencerKane
ANNA: Spencer is also an actor..
SANA: Yes, Insane in 1974. He was Mike The Draft Dodger in that movie.
ANNA: The El Ray guys & friends were standing outside in shorts when it was like I don’t know 7 degrees, and snow on the ground in Nashville lol..
SANA: Let’s hear Feels Like Home
ANNA: Next on deck is Mike Parker, an American Idol alumni. He made it to Top 10 on season 20
The song is Lightning In a Bottle. @musicbymikep
ANNA: Up next is Next Town Over by Lecade. @lecademusic
He was just signed by Big Machine last year.
ANNA: Yes, he names Drake & Johnny Cash as influences.
SANA: Love that, let’s hear Next Town Over.
SANA: Next up is Austin Williams from Springfield, TN.
ANNA: He was raised on a Tobacco Farm.
SANA: Yes, he thought he was going to have a baseball career, but a back injury took him out. ANNA: Spinal fusion surgery..
SANA: Hmm, seems like a common story these days..
Let’s go ahead and hear Wrong Truck, Austin Williams @austinw_music
SANA: We’ve come to the end of another podcast. It goes by so quickly..
ANNA: It does! Don’t forget to check out our new podcast Rewind, for all you retro music fans.
SANA: It’ll be out late January. Might even be out by the time you hear this.
ANNA: We started w/ 1950 highlighting the top songs across genres for that year, and pop culture,
SANA: like do you know how much gas was in 1950? It was 27 cents!
ANNA: It's truly unbelievable..We also feature current remakes of timeless classics.
SANA: You can also check out our monthly Texas Six Pack for new songs from Texas area artists.
ANNA: And your new personal development podcast Do This First is amazing.
SANA: Thanks Anna. I get to flex my brain, and nerd out lol..
ANNA: Nothing to do with music either.
SANA: No, The Do This First Podcast is a New Year’s resolution I made to put out something positive every day. It seems like there is alot of pain in the world. I just really want to be part of the solution, that's all.
ANNA: So, by the end of the year you’ll have 365 episodes just on that podcast! That’s incredible!
SANA: I’m just finishing up my Life Coach credentials too. It's a fun and hyper productive time across the board including music.
And please listen on Pandora under OnTheBrink
ANNA: Yes, we are one of a few hand picked country music podcasts on the platform. And also check out our blog on stonecoldcountry.net for interesting stories like our Back Stories feature.
ANNA: I love that feature. That’s where we take a deep dive on the background info on a song. Check it out.
ANNA: Where can people check out your personal development podcast?
SANA: It's on Spotify,Amazon, Youtube and /Audile. You can also check it out on dothisfirst.life
ANNA: Sweet
And like we always say, stay strong, stay true, and stay hungry.